
Tin Can Reuse

While sorting/cleaning out my workstation table, I wanted to clear up the table space and move as much as possible to wall storage. The simplest idea was to use the moisturizer bottles turned small wall storage units. (Link). Then again I had collected enough tin cans again to put them to some good use. The last time I did anything with them was make the wind chime. (Link). I decided to use them indoors this time....

Want to make some pretty tin can wall storage? The idea is pretty simple....just let your imagination go wild!

If you intend on reusing a can you are just about to open....please note. Try to open the can while leaving the folded rim in place. Most side cutter can openers take out the rim leaving you with the thin aluminum edge. This can be a hazard if you are using the can as a pen holder! I am not sure if top cutter is the term....but I have an old can opener that takes out just the top of the can leaving the rim in place. Depending on how carefully you cut, there might be a little jagged metal at the start/finish point of the cutter rotation. You can easily file this down.

Drill a small hole just below the rim of the can. You can also use a big fat Phillips screwdriver and punch a hole using a hammer. The second method will leave a small metal protrusion on the other side, which you will have to file down.

Now, it's really up to you how you want to decorate the can. Paint it, cover it with decorative tape, fabric, stickers....whatever you fancy!

I painted them white using a primer.

And covered it with some decorative tapes and stickers made from gift wrappers...

You can screw the can directly onto the wall using proper anchors and screws.... Or you can hang it on to a small hook, so you can take it down whenever you want.

And there! All my pens, glues, lighters, etc, have moved up to the wall....leaving me more table space now.

And yes! That's some gift wrapper I used as a wall paper for my newly revamped  workstation! And I made the tapes and florals using gift wrapper too and made them into stickers using my new Xyron sticker maker.

Have fun recycling!

- Pya

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